Kamis, 10 November 2011

Koperasi Guru

Sosok H. Choedri St Marajo berjasa besar mengangkat kesejahteraan guru di Payakumbuh Utara, Sumatera Barat. Berawal dari idenya mendirikan koperasi guru, nasib para pendidik di sana kini jauh lebih baik.
Penghasilan para guru belum sepenuhnya baik, terutama para guru yang tinggal di luar Pulau Jawa. Mereka masih berkutat dengan kesulitan hidup, terjepit di antara kewajiban mulia mencerdaskan bangsa dan memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga.

Tak jarang, lantaran penghasilan yang belum mencukupi,berbagai hal dilakukan para guru yang tinggal di sana. Beragam profesi sambilan dilakukan, entah menjadi guru privat,berdagang, hingga profesi lain. Situasi tersebut ternyata menggelitik hati Choedri St Marajo. Dengan niat ingin mengangkat kesejahteraan para guru di sekitar Payakumbuh Utara, Choedri memiliki ide untuk mendirikan koperasi. Koperasi yang akan melayani kebutuhan para guru demi menunjang kehidupan mereka. Ide tersebut dilontarkan sosok yang juga seorang guru di sebuah sekolah di Payakumbuh Utara ini. Saat itu dia terpilih menjadi Ketua Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI) di wilayahnya.

Sebagai ketua PGRI Payakumbuh Utara yang baru, Choedri memandang harus ada yang berubah dari organisasi guru tersebut. Bagi Choedri, PGRI sebagai organisasi milik para pejuang pendidikan mesti mengubah wajah menjadi sebuah organisasi produktif yang mampu mengangkat kesejahteraan anggota. “Saya kok melihat organisasi ini baru ada kegiatan kalau ada kongres. Setelah kongres selesai, semua seakan tidur kembali dan baru bangun lima tahun kemudian, ketika kongres berikutnya diselenggarakan,” ujarnya. Choedri lantas membuat terobosan.

Setelah berdiskusi dengan sejumlah rekan, akhirnya diputuskan untuk mendirikan koperasi yang bertujuan membantu kehidupan para anggotanya. Ide yang dilontarkan Choedri ternyata mendapat respons positif. Pada 12 Juni 1974 berdirilah Koperasi Pegawai Republik Indonesia Guru-Guru Payakumbuh Utara (KPRI Gurupaya). Awalnya unit usaha KPRI Gurupaya hanya melayani usaha simpan pinjam. Unit usaha ini dirasa perlu karena memberikan manfaat positif bagi para anggota, terutama mereka yang mengalami kesulitan memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga. Respons awal atas usaha simpan pinjam KPRI Gurupaya ternyata luar biasa. Sejak diumumkan adanya usaha tersebut, para guru yang mendaftar langsung banyak.

Para anggota memanfaatkan usaha simpan pinjam untuk berbagai keperluan, dari biaya anak sekolah, mendirikan rumah, atau untuk merintis usaha. Unit usaha ini terbagi dalam dua kategori,yakni pinjaman reguler dan insidental. Choedri menerangkan, untuk pinjaman reguler para anggota KPRI Gurupaya, baik anggota kalangan guru maupun masyarakat biasa, bisa memanfaatkannya kapan saja. Pinjaman insidental akan diberikan kepada anggota untuk dana-dana darurat mendesak, seperti biaya sekolah yang kadang membutuhkan dana sesegera mungkin. Banyaknya anggota yang merespons positif usaha simpan pinjam tersebut membuat KPRI Gurupaya cepat berkembang. Tak berselang lama koperasi melebarkan usahanya dengan mendirikan unit usaha warung serbaada (waserda), percetakan, fotokopi, jasa pelayanan pembayaran rekening listrik, dan PDAM.

Semua unit usaha tersebut menempati tiga ruko yang merupakan milik koperasi. Seiring unit usaha yang beragam, para anggota pun semakin mendapat kemudahan. Kalau awalnya mereka bisa melakukan simpan pinjam saja, kini semua kebutuhan dapat dipenuhi usaha koperasi. “Pengembangan unit usaha koperasi tak lepas dari semakin banyaknya anggota dan semakin meningkatnya kepercayaan masyarakat kepada kami,” ujar Choedri. Dengan anggota yang kini mendekati angka 3.000, KPRI Gurupaya terbilang mengalami kemajuan mengagumkan. Asetnya, hingga akhir 2009, diperkirakan telah mencapai Rp30 miliar. Keuntungan bersih yang diraihnya pun setiap tahun terus meningkat. Jika pada 2008 hasil usaha bersihnya naik 40% dibanding 2007 menjadi sekitar Rp347 juta, pada 2009 kembali naik 59% menjadi Rp555 juta. “Kami tidak terpengaruh oleh krisis global. Bahkan tahun lalu kinerja kami malah mengalami peningkatan,” kata Choedri, Ketua KPRI Gurupaya.

Tingginya laba yang diperoleh semakin memudahkan KPRI Gurupaya mengembangkan usaha. KPRI Gurupaya kini tengah merintis bisnis kaveling tanah dan perumahan. Usaha ini dirasa perlu mengingat kebutuhan tempat tinggal dengan harga terjangkau dan murah yang diinginkan para anggota. Usaha ini kembali mendapat respons positif. Tercatat, hingga akhir tahun 2009, sudah 11 kaveling yang terjual pada anggota. Menurut Choedri, koperasi yang dipimpinnya berencana membangun sejumlah perumahan bagi anggota yang membutuhkan dengan sistem pembayaran diangsur seperti kredit kepemilikan rumah (KPR) perbankan.

Demi merealisasikan rencana ini, dibutuhkan modal tambahan lumayan besar. Dari perhitungan pengurus koperasi, Choedri mencatat setidaknya dibutuhkan dana sekitar Rp10 miliar. Kebutuhan ini akan dipenuhi dari dana milik sendiri (simpanan anggota) sebesar Rp2,5 miliar; selebihnya, Rp7,5 miliar, dari Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI). Bagi KPRI Gurupaya,mencari pinjaman dari bank tampaknya bukan masalah sulit. Sudah lama koperasi ini menjalin hubungan yang saling percaya dengan perbankan. Tepatnya kredit mulai mengucur dari BNI ketika koperasi ini akan membangun kantor sendiri. Kepercayaan dari BNI semakin tebal karena KPRI Gurupaya menyerahkan seluruh urusan yang menyangkut dana tunai ke pihak bank.

Dengan kata lain, transaksi yang berupa setoran simpanan maupun pencairan pinjaman oleh anggota seluruhnya dilakukan di kantor BNI.Adapun pihak koperasi—yang memiliki 18 karyawan tetap—hanya melakukan pencatatan. Ada banyak keuntungan yang bisa diperoleh dari penerapan sistem ini. Selain pegawai koperasi tak perlu repot mondar-mandir ke bank, risiko mendapat pembayaran berupa uang palsu pun menjadi nihil. Profesionalisme. Rupanya itulah kata kunci yang membuat KPRI Gurupaya dapat terus maju berkembang menyejahterakan anggotanya.

Sikap profesionalisme pula yang menjadikan KPRI Gurupaya mendapat berbagai penghargaan. Tak heran, kini KPRI Gurupaya menjadi acuan studi banding bagi koperasi-koperasi guru dari Sumatera Barat, Medan,Aceh, Jambi, dan Riau. (Sindo)

Koperasi Angkutan

Pengurus Dekopinwil DKI Jakarta (periode 2009 – 2014) pada tanggal 07 Desember 2009 melakukan kunjungan kerja (silaturahmi) dengan Pengurus dan Pengawas Koperasi Angkutan Barang Pasar dan Industri (KABAPIN) yang berdomisili di Jalan H. Jenih No. 8 Kelurahan Rambutan,  Ciracas Jakarta Timur;  sebagai realisasi kegiatan silaturahmi dengan anggota Dekopinwil DKI Jakarta demikian dikemukakan oleh H. Nanang Pramara. MM (Ketua Bidang Humas & Komunikasi) didampingi oleh Efitarman (PUSKOPAD MABES TNI AD) dan Henry DL (PUSKOPKAR DKI JAKARTA/Koperasiku.Com); lebih lanjut dikemukakan pula bahwa dari silaturahmi ini diharapkan terjalin suatu sinergi antar Pengurus Dekopinwil dengan Anggota termasuk dapat terbangunnya kerjasama organisasi dan usaha antar Koperasi di propinsi DKI Jakarta.
KABAPIN berdiri sebagai Badan Usaha Koperasi sejak tahun 1981 dan berbadan hukum Nomor 1486a/B.H/I, menyelenggarakan usaha jasa angkutan, usaha simpan pinjam, usaha toko dan penyewaan kios serta pengelolaan jasa perbengkelan. Jumlah Anggota tercatat 256 orang dengan jumlah karyawan sebanyak 35 orang. Kinerja KABAPIN pada tahun 2008 tercatat Volume Usaha sebesar Rp 764 juta,- dengan jumlah aktiva sebesar Rp 1,3 Milyar; Jumlah Ekuitas  Rp 1,06 milyar,- dan pencapaian SHU bersih sebesar Rp 84 juta,-
Kepengurusan KABAPIN (periode 2009 – 2011), terdiri dari H. Chairuddin (Ketua Pengurus); Duhari Daya (Sekretaris); R.H. Nababan (Bendahara); sedangkan Pengawas terdiri dari Adysa Sitepu (Ketua); Jatmiko (Anggota) dan Zainal Arifin (Anggota).
Pengurus KABAPIN menyampaikan harapan kepada Pengurus DEKOPINWIL untuk dapat memberikan solusi (konsultasi bisnis) bahwa dalam pengelolaan Usaha Jasa Angkutan Barang (sebagai salah satu usaha utamanya) memiliki perizinan untuk 300 kendaraan angkutan dari Pasar Induk Kramat Jati dan 100 kendaraan angkutan dari  Pasar Induk Beras Cipinang; hanya pada dua tahun terakhir ini (2008-2009) pengembangan usaha jasa angkutan ini mengalami tantangan yang cukup berat dari jasa angkutan tidak resmi (kendaran plat hitam/omprengan) yang diberikan keleluasan beroperasi. Hal ini perlu perhatian dari Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta untuk adanya penertiban atas beroperasinya kendaraan-kendaran tsb. Selain itu pula kendala yg dihadapi dalam rangka peremajaan kendaraan yang dimiliki anggota – khususnya untuk menghadapi kebijakan Gubernur DKI Jakarta untuk penggunaan kendaraan angkutan umum berbahan bakar gaz – KABAPIN memerlukan biaya modal yang cukup besar.

Koperasi Angkutan

Bentuk dan Jenis Koperasi

Bentuk dan Jenis Koperasi
Bentuk-Bentuk Koperasi

Menurut undang-undang perkoperasian, koperasi dapat berbentuk Koperasi Primer atau Koperasi Sekunder.
Koperasi Primer adalah semua koperasi yang didirikan dan beranggotakan orang seorang. Sedangkan Koperasi Sekunder adalah semua koperasi yang didirikan oleh dan beranggotakan Badan Hukum Koperasi, baik Badan Hukum Koperasi Primer dan atau Badan Hukum Koperasi Sekunder.

Dibentuknya Koperasi Sekunder harus berdasarkan adanya kesamaan kepentingan dan tujuan efisiensi usaha bagi koperasi sejenis ataupun berbagai jenis dan tingkatan yang akhirnya bermuara pada peningkatan kesejahteraan anggota koperasi primer. Karena itu pendirian koperasi sekunder harus bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas serta mengembangkan kemampuan koperasi primer dalam menjalankan peran dan fungsinya, sehingga pada dasarnya pendirian koperasi sekunder bersifat subsidiaritas terhadap koperasi primer.
Koperasi sekunder dapat didirikan tidak hanya oleh koperasi-koperasi sejenis saja, melainkan juga dapat didirikan oleh koperasi yang berlainan jenis karena terdapat kepentingan aktivitas atau kebutuhan ekonomi yang sama, aktivitas atau kebutuhan yang sama tersebut akan dapat dicapai lebih efisien apabila diselenggarakan oleh koperasi sekunder dalam skala kekuatan yang lebih besar.
Jenis-Jenis Koperasi
Penjenisan koperasi diatur dalam Pasal 16 Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian yang mana menyebutkan bahwa jenis koperasi didasarkan pada kesamaan kegiatan dan kepentingan ekonomi anggotanya. Dengan demikian, sebelum kita mendirikan koperasi harus metentukan secara jelas keanggotaan dan kegiatan usaha. Dasar untuk menentukan jenis koperasi adalah kesamaan aktivitas, kepentingan dan kebutuhan ekonomi anggotanya.
Beberapa jenis koperasi menurut ketentuan undang-undang, adalah :

1.     Koperasi Simpan Pinjam adalah koperasi yang beranggotakan masyarakat baik selaku konsumen maupun produsen barang. Usaha koperasi jenis ini adalah menyelenggarakan fungsi penghimpun dana dan menyediakan pinjaman/modal untuk kepentingan anggota, baik selaku konsumen maupun produsen. Koperasi ini dapat dianggap pula sebagai koperasi jasa.
2.     Koperasi Konsumen adalah koperasi yang beranggotakan para konsumen atau pemakai barang kebutuhan sehari-hari. Usaha koperasi jenis ini adalah menyelenggarakan fungsi penyedia barang-barang keperluan sehari-hari untuk kepentingan anggota dan masyarakat selaku konsumen.
3.     Koperasi Produsen adalah koperasi yang beranggotakan para produsen barang dan memiliki usaha rumah tangga. Usaha koperasi jenis ini adalah menyelenggarakan fungsi penyedia bahan/sarana produksi, pemrosesan dan pemasaran barang yang dihasilkan anggota selaku produsen.
4.     Koperasi Pemasaran adalah koperasi yang beranggotakan para pemasok barang hasil produksi. Usaha koperasi jenis ini adalah menyelenggarakan fungsi pemasaran/distribusi barang yang dihasilkan/diproduksi oleh anggota.
5.     Koperasi Jasa adalah koperasi yang menyelenggarakan fungsi pelayanan jasa tertentu untuk kepentingan anggota, misalnya jasa asuransi, angkutan, audit, pendidikan dan pelatihan, dan sebagainya.
Dalam praktiknya, terdapat koperasi yang menyelenggarakan lebih dari satu fungsi yang disebut koperasi serba usaha (Multi Purpose Co-operative). Misalkan, Koperasi Pertanian yang anggotanya terdiri dari para petani, dengan usaha meliputi pangadaan sarana pertanian, pemasaran hasil pertanian, pengadaan pupuk dan obat-obatan, pengadaan barang konsumsi, dls. Koperasi semacam ini harus ditentukan usaha pokoknya (core bisiness). Apabila usaha pokoknya cenderung kepada pemasaran hasil pertanian, maka koperasi tersebut berjenis Koperasi Pemasaran.
Begitupun koperasi yang dibentuk oleh golongan-golongan, seperti; pegawai negeri, anggota ABRI, karyawan, paguyuban masyarakat, yang menyelenggara kan usaha perkreditan, pertokoan, foto copy, jasa kebersihan, pengadaan peralatan kantor, dls, maka anggota bersama pengurus harus metentukan usaha pokoknya.
Khusus mengenai Koperasi Simpan Pinjam diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 9 tahun 1995 tentang Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Usaha Simpan Pinjam Oleh Koperasi, pasal 1 angka 2 menyatakan bahwa Koperasi Simpan Pinjam adalah koperasi yang kegiatannya hanya usaha simpan pinjam atau usaha tunggal (Single Purpose Co-operative).
Dari pelbagai jenis koperasi tersebut, tujuan usaha utamanya adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi anggotanya, karena itu anggota koperasi harus berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan koperasinya. Sekalipun demikian, sepanjang tidak merugikan kepentingan anggota, misal; kebutuhan ekonomi anggota telah terpenuhi, koperasi dapat pula memberikan pelayanan kepada bukan anggota sesuai dengan sifat kegiatan usahanya, dengan maksud untuk menarik yang bukan anggota menjadi anggota koperasi, tentunya selama yang bersangkutan belum menjadi anggota harus ada perbedaan pelayanan.

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011


Liverpool FC

Liverpool Football Club adalah sebuah klub sepak bola Inggris yang telah 5 kali menjuarai Liga Champions (dulu Piala Champions) dan 18 kali menjuarai Liga Inggris (hingga awal Mei 2005). Kandang mereka berada di Anfield, yang terletak sekitar 4,8 km dari pusat kota Liverpool.

Klub ini didirikan pada 15 Maret 1892 oleh John Houlding, pemilik Anfield. Houlding memutuskan untuk membentuk tim sendiri setelah Everton FC dikeluarkan dari Anfield dalam perselisihan mengenai biaya sewa. Awalnya klub baru itu bernama Everton FC namun diganti ke Liverpool FC setelah Asosiasi Sepak Bola Inggris menolak penggunaan nama tersebut.

Liverpool sangat dominan pada tahun 1970-an dan 1980-an. Pemain-pemain yang terkenal pada masa ini termasuk Ray Clemence, Mark Lawrenson, Graeme Souness, Ian Callaghan, Phil Neal, Kevin Keegan, Alan Hansen, Kenny Dalglish (102 cap) dan Ian Rush (346 gol).

Klub ini juga terlibat dalam dua tragedi besar dalam sepak bola Eropa - dalam tragedi Heysel pada 1985 dan musibah Hillsborough pada 1989.

Liverpool berhasil mendapatkan treble (perolehan tiga gelar) dua gelar domestik (Piala Liga dan Piala FA) dan Piala UEFA pada musim 2000/01. Meskipun begitu, memenangi treble bukanlah hal yang baru bagi mereka. Pada 1984 mereka menjadi juara Piala Champions, Piala Liga dan Liga Inggris. Ini adalah treble dengan gelar besar yang pertama untuk sebuah klub Inggris.

Juara Divisi Satu 18[1]
1900/01, 1905/06, 1921/22, 1922/23, 1946/47, 1963/64, 1965/66, 1972/73, 1975/76, 1976/77, 1978/79, 1979/80, 1981/82, 1982/83, 1983/84, 1985/86, 1987/88, 1989/90
Juara Divisi Dua 4
1893/94, 1895/96, 1904/05, 1961/62
Juara Liga Lancashire 1
Liga Champions 5[1]
1976/77 3-1 vs. Borussia Mönchengladbach
1977/78 1-0 vs. Club Brugge
1980/81 1-0 vs. Real Madrid
1983/84 1-1 (4-2 melalui adu penalti) vs. AS Roma
2004/05 3-3 (3-2 melalui adu penalti) vs. AC Milan
Juara Piala UEFA 3
1972/73, 1975/76, 2000/01
Juara Piala FA 7
1964/65, 1973/74, 1985/86, 1988/89, 1991/92, 2000/2001, 2005/2006
Juara Piala Remaja FA 2
1995/96, 2006/07
Juara Piala Liga 7[1]
1980/81, 1981/82, 1982/83, 1983/84, 1994/95, 2000/01, 2002/03
Juara Charity Shield 15
1963/64[2], 1964/65+, 1965/66, 1973/74, 1975/76, 1976/77[2], 1978/79, 1979/80, 1981/82, 1985/86*, 1987/88, 1988/89, 1989/90, 2000/01, 2005/06
Juara Piala Super Eropa 3
1977, 2001, 2005
Juara Piala Super Inggris 1
Juara Divisi Satu untuk Cadangan 16
1956/57, 1968/69, 1969/70, 1970/71, 1972/73, 1973/74, 1974/75, 1975/76, 1976/77, 1978/79, 1980/81, 1981/82, 1983/84, 1984/85, 1989/90, 1999/2000

^ a b c Terbanyak dibandingkan klub Inggris lainnya
^ a b Gelar dibagi bersama

Pengetian dan devinisi ekonomi koperasi

Devinisi Koperasi.
Koperasi adalah merupakan singkatan dari kata ko / co dan operasi / operation. Koperasi adalah suatu kumpulan orang-orang untuk bekerja sama demi kesejahteraan bersama. Berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 12 tahun 1967, koperasi indonesia adalah organisasi ekonomi rakyat yang berwatak sosial dan beranggotakan orang-orang, badan-badan hukum koperasi yang merupakan tata susunan ekonomi sebagai usaha bersama berdasar atas asas kekeluargaan.
Berikut di bawah ini adalah landasan koperasi indonesia yang melandasi aktifitas koprasi di indonesia.
- Landasan Idiil = Pancasila
- Landasan Mental = Setia kawan dan kesadaran diri sendiri
- Landasan Struktural dan gerak = UUD 1945 Pasal 33 Ayat 1
A. Fungsi Koperasi / Koprasi
1. Sebagai urat nadi kegiatan perekonomian indonesia
2. Sebagai upaya mendemokrasikan sosial ekonomi indonesia
3. Untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan warga negara indonesia
4. Memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat indonesia dengan jalan pembinaan koperasi
B. Peran dan Tugas Koperasi / Koprasi
1. Meningkatkan tarah hidup sederhana masyarakat indonesia
2. Mengembangkan demokrasi ekonomi di indonesia
3. Mewujudkan pendapatan masyarakat yang adil dan merata dengan cara menyatukan, membina, dan mengembangkan setiap potensi yang ada
membina, dan mengembangkan setiap potensi yang ada

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Dreaming of You!

I lay in bed on a dark,
stormy night
I drift off to sleep, my mind
takes flight
I dream of places far
and near
I wish you could be here.
I hear your voice and
see your smile
I wish it would last
little while
I sometimes wonder if
you ever knew...
That I lay in my bed,
dreaming of you.

Always and Forever

I never get to tell you what I really need to say
How I long to hold you each and every day
You mean more to me than words can ever express
Without you my life would be a total mess
As I look into your eyes, and at your perfect face
I know there will never be anyone to take your place
No matter what problems we may go through
That place in my heart will always be for you
If I am having a hard time letting you in
It's because I have played the game, and never win
Your love means so much to me
I just don't know how to make you see
I don't care what people say
We can stick together anyway
When they come to me, all I see is your face
When they start to speak your voice takes their place
It's a voice that promises to always be there
No matter what they say, I know you still care
Always and Forever is what this means to me
I LOVE YOU, now can you see?


With you, it's all about voiceless communication-
always knowing exactly what to say,
but never actually having to say it.

When no one seems to be listening,
you hear.
When I hurt but don't show it,
you know.
When I turn away to hide my tears,
you see.
When I feel like I can't get through to anyone,
you understand.

Your eyes glow just for me,
and I know you're proud.
You flash your magical, healing smile my way,
and I know everything will be all right.

You know everything there is to know about me.
You know what worries me,
what keeps me up at night,
and what shames me so badly
that I can't share it with anyone.
Most importantly, though,
none of those things bother you.

You've restored my faith in people
and proved that there is a thing
called true friendship.


Sometimes in life
you find a special friend
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.

Someone who makes you laugh
until you can't stop
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
This is Forever Friendship.

When you're down,
and the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world
suddenly seem bright and full.

Your forever friend gets you through
the hard times, the sad times,
and the confused times.
If you turn and walk away,
your forever friend follows.
If you lose your way,
your forever friend guides you
and cheers you on.

Your forever friend holds your hand
and tells you that
everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend,
you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend for life,
and forever has no end.

I miss you

I Miss You

Though you are not here
wherever I go or whatever I do
I see your face in my mind
and I miss you so
I miss telling you everything
I miss showing you things
I miss our eyes
secretly giving each other confidence
I miss your touch
I miss our excitement together
I miss everything we share
I don't like missing you
It is a very cold
and lonely feeling
I wish that I could be
with you right now
where the warmth of our love
would melt the winter snows
But since I can't be
with you right now
I will have to be content
just dreaming about
when we'll be together again

Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

crime ORMAS

Mass clash of Betawi Rempug Front (FBR) with several administrators (PO) bus Pulogadung, East Jakarta triggered by the sale of an expensive ticket to one family member FBR. Police now have arrested eight people witnessed the event.

"The problem happened a week ago, there are prospective passengers of the FBR family who asked for the price of a bus that is not fair," said Kapolsek Pulogadung, Kompol Dani Hamdani in Terminal Pulogadung, East Jakarta, Monday (04/04/2011) night.

From examination of the witness, continued Dani, some people came to the board of the FBR PO Pulogadung Bus. FBR come with the intention to resolve the problem complained of by a family ticket of the party members of the FBR.

"They come in packs and finally get a reaction from the management group PO bus in the terminal," said Dani.

According to Dani, the police now have arrested eight people who are currently still a witness for questioning. To anticipate the action of another brawl, police also placed 30 Samapta of police and a company Pulogadung Samapta from East Jakarta Police.

"Until now there has been no reports of casualties," he explained.

Based pantuan AFP, dozens of people from the FBR is still on guard at the station area Pulogadung. FBR mass seen carrying batons made of wood and bamboo. In some parts of the station still looks broken bottles scattered. Buses and passengers are not shown in this terminal.

Some of the Betawi Rempug Front (FBR) clashed in Terminal Pulogadung, East Jakarta. There were no fatalities in the incident.

"Yes, this is the same thugs clashed FBR. We again reduce the crime scene, "said Dani Hamdani Kapolsek Pulogadung Kompol when confirmed AFP on Monday (04/04/2011) night.

Dani said the clashes occurred at around 20:00 pm. Until now, hundreds of police officers on guard at the site.

"There are no casualties or damage," said Dani.

Not yet known what caused the clashes. Until now, the situation is still tense in the vicinity of that location.

john and Jessica

John and Jessica have been married for 7 years ..

They loved each other, but Jessica since early cover all her feelings toward John .. He was so scared when John knows how much she loved him, John then left him as lover-lover for this .. But not for John .. He always expressed his love to Jessica with sincere and very open .. Any time when together with Jessica, John always showed great love, as if that was the end of John with Jessica ..

Jessica has always been unpleasant to John .. Every time he's always trying to test how much love John to it. Jessica always try to do things that outrageous and beyond the limits to John .. Although Jessica knew how it was really wrong, but look at the attitude of John who remain in force good to her, making Jessica still survive to see how much earnestness he married the love of a distinguished man. .

The first day of their marriage .. Jessica up late .. He did not have time to prepare breakfast for John when John wanted to go to work .. But John still smile and say, "It's okay .. I'll have breakfast at the office .."

When John came home from work, Jessica did not deliberately cook food that does not like John .. Though aware of it, Jessica was still insisting that her husband would eat it .. John still smile and say, "Wow .. it seems it's time I learned to face challenges Masakanm .. u seem a great challenge, dear .. I can not wait to eat it. "Jessica was surprised, but did not say anything.

But the Angels know how the nights when Jessica fell asleep John prayed, "God .... On the first morning of our wedding Jessica did not make me breakfast. And I so want to talk at the dinner table with him, talking about how beautiful this day, on the first day of our new life as husband and wife .. But that's okay, God .. Because it seems Jessica exhausted after our wedding reception last night lover .. Please help me, God so that he may have enough energy to face the new day with me tomorrow .. Lord, you know how much I could not eat spaghetti because pencernaanku are not so good. . But it seems that Jessica has been working hard to cook food .. Mampukan me to appreciate all what my wife told me, God .. Do not let me hurt her feelings even though it was uncomfortable for me .. "

The second year of their marriage .. Jessica John woke up early to pray together .. but Jessica refused and preferred to continue his sleep. John smiled and finally pray alone.

In the evening after work, John took Jessica to walk to the park .. Although forced, Jessica would eventually also to the place where once he felt so flowery moments with John .. but Jessica refused to embrace John, and said, "No, John. . I'm ashamed ..".. John smiled and said, "Yes, I understand .." Jessica saw the disappointment in the eyes of John, but do nothing to eliminate that disappointment ..

But the Angels know how the nights after Jessica asleep, John offer his prayer .. "God Bless .. I could not bring my wife to be closer to you this morning .. may sleep less because his mind was heavy .. But I'm sure, Jessica Lord willing tomorrow together with me to talk to you .. Lord, you also know the sadness when Jessica meolak kurangkul when the park today. But it's OK He's coming months, probably because it also became more sensitive feelings Mampukan me to see my wife's mood, Lord. "

Third year of their marriage. They now have a son named Mark. Jessica became never again to continue his habit to read with John before going to bed. Jessica more often refuse a kiss John ..

Jessica scolded John all-out afternoon when John forgot to wash their hands when going to hold Mark when John got home from work .. Jessica knows how much it makes John hit .. But the idealism of educating Mark makes Jessica ignore the feelings of John John .. and keep smiling. .

But the Angels know how the nights after Jessica asleep, John offer his prayer .. "Lord, you know how sad my heart now .. Since the birth of Mark, I lost so much time with Jessica .. I missed the times when we read together before bed and kissed him before he fell asleep .. But that's okay .. He was so tired all day care of Mark while I was working in the office .. It's just, let him continue to sleep in my arms, Lord .... Because I love him so much. This afternoon Jessica scolded me because I forgot to wash their hands when holding Mark, God .. I so miss my son so careless to do as requested my wife .. you know how much I would hurt Jessica's words, God .. But that's okay. . Jessica probably only worry about our children's health Mark when I picked him directly. . Health Mark is more important than my pride. "

Fourth year of their marriage .. Jessica does not remember John's favorite food to cook in his birthday .. Jessica is too busy shopping that I forget that John is always asked for Blackforest with chocolate sprinkles and a cherry on top of each birthday arrived ..

Jessica also forgot to ironing a shirt that caused John John late to the office that morning because John had to iron his own shirt .. Jessica knows his mistake, but did not consider it as something important.

But the Angels know how the nights after Jessica asleep, John offer his prayer .. "God, For the first time Jessica's favorite Blackforest forget to make on my birthday this .. And I really liked the cake was homemade. Enjoy the homemade Blackforest cake makes me grateful to have wives who are good at cooking seemed, and felt his love for me .. But this year I do not find it. But that's okay .. maybe more other things are far more important than merely Blackforest it. At least, I still get a smile and a kiss from him today. Forgive me, Lord, if this morning I forgot to smile at Jessica .. I'm too busy ironing my clothes and think about my work in the office .. Jessica seemed to forget to do that, though I've asked for help to her last night. Do not let me vent my emotions because rap boss keterlambatanku today due to Jessica, God .. Jessica may be wrong ironing a shirt which one should I wear today .. After all, my shoes so shiny .. I'm sure Jessica had tried hard to make me look at my presentation was interesting .. Thanks for the good of my wife, God. "

Fifth year of their marriage. Jessica slapped and blames John for Mark ill after they swim .. John was too busy playing with Mark, so do not realize how Mark is very sensitive to cold water swimming pool, which resulted in Mark had to be hospitalized ....

Jessica threatened to leave John in the event anything with Mark .. Jessica saw a pool of tears in the eyes of John, but his heart is more violent than feelings prevail against John.

But the Angels know how much time John and then headed to the hospital chapel and say a prayer, crying .. "God .. Did Jessica slapped me because kelalaianku guard Mark so he was sick .. Jessica has never been rude to me and said, God .. But that's okay .. Jessica really worry about our children so that he acted so .. But God, I was so hurt when he said he would leave me. You know how much she is my soulmate. Do not let that happen, God .. Maybe he worries that once ruled it out on me .. It's okay, God .. It's okay. Originally he gets quiet, I would feel very grateful .. And heal our son, Mark so that he can come back to cheer and play with us again, God .. "

Sixth year of their marriage .. Jessica increasingly distant with John after the presence of Rebecca, their daughter Jessica .. never again accompany John's dinner because maintaining their new daughter was 5 months ..

Jessica also sell diamond necklace giving John and replace it with another, more new jewelry. When John knows it, Jessica knows John restrain anger, but Jessica argued, "John, it's just plain diamond necklace. Anyway, I'm not selling it, but to exchange it for a newer jewelry .. "

But the Angels know how the nights after Jessica asleep, John offer his prayer .. "God, I'm so lonely skip dinner alone without Jessica with me .. I so want to continue telling stories and laughing with him at the dinner table .. You know, that's comfort for the release kepenatanku after a day of work at the office .. But that's okay .. Rebecca certainly need more attention than me .. Besides, Mark would sometimes accompany me .. Just do not let me bury the hurt to Jessica for selling a necklace gift. . You know for so long I'm saving money and go the extra mile for him a necklace, just to prove my gratitude to him for loyalty and devotion as a wife and mother of my children. Forgive me if I'd had time to think to be angry at him .. "

Seventh year of their marriage .. Jessica did not heed the habit of caressing his head and kissed the forehead of her husband John before John left for work .. And Jessica tau, during the time when he forgot to do it, John always return home during the day to get their caresses and kisses Jessica for her .. Because John will never quiet work if it had not been done to him .. Jessica Jessica did not say I LOVE YOU for the first time in 7 years of their marriage ..

And in the seventh year of that, John had an accident while going to office .. He suffered severe bleeding, which made him lay unconscious in his hospital bed ..

Jessica was so shocked and upset .. He was so afraid of losing John, the husband she loved. . That was always there whenever he needs .. Which is always with a smile holds all the emotions and anger. Who never stop saying how much John loved him. . Not the least Jessica moved from the bedside John .. hands clutching fingers of her husband who lay unconscious weak .. Her lips continued to say I LOVE YOU, because he remembered that he had not told the sentence was today ..

Because it is so sad and tired of waiting on John, Jessica fell asleep .. In her sleep, the angel who had been hearing the prayers of John of God took Jessica to see who John spent every night to pray for Jessica .. she is crying sad to see the sincerity and the love of a distinguished John him .. Not the slightest blame John for all his disregard the feelings and dignity John during this .. Instead, John instead blamed himself .. Jessica crying holding her feelings. And for the first time in her life, Jessica prayed, "Lord, forgive me that has been wasted on me love my husband .. Forgive me who do not understand the feelings and pride during this .. Give me a chance to show my love to my husband, Lord .. Give me a chance to apologize and serve him as a husband whom I love .. "

And when Jessica woke up, he saw the radiant love of her husband looked at her .. "You plasticity so tired, dear .. Forgive me who are not careful so the situation should be driving like this and makes you worry .. I'm not concentrating when driving because of the thought that you forgot to say I LOVE YOU to me ..".. Unfinished John speak, Jessica would cry loudly and rushed to hug her husband ..

"Forgive me, John .. Forgive me .. I LOVE YOU .. I really Love you .. You're Matahariku, John .. I can not survive without you .. I promise I'll never forget again say how much I love you. . I promise I will never ignore your feelings and your pride again .. I LOVE YOU, John .. I LOVE YOU. "

Family sakinah, mawadah, and warohmah

Once, when he heard the lecture or prayer of the religious teacher-cleric (ah) for our family to become a sakinah keluara, mawaddah wa mercy I do not really know, what is meant by family sakinah, mawaddah wa mercy. I only know sakinah means calm, peaceful.
Slowly, I understand, sakinah means calm / peaceful, mawaddah means happy, wa = and, while the means have mercy mercy / love. That's it.
Until a few days ago when we discussed the story in a book about a young man who did not want to get married because they have not found the woman in accordance with the criteria added so many requirements of the prospective parents about the law.
According to the views of young people in the story, the girls of today are no longer running a lot to live according to Islam, from the clothes that do not close the genitalia, the appearance and the way bergaulnya a 'westernized', even to the passage of an un-Islamic way. Incidentally he grew up in the environment that Islamic friends who have married with Islamic women, but he himself does not come from a harmonious family. Her parents are always noisy, insisted the opinion of each and have properties that can not wait.
Finally, youths who happened to be a famous doctor was drowned with his work as a doctor and learn the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet's books and lectures.
One day, the young man listening to the radio that talks about the formation of a family goal, namely to establish a family sakinah, mawaddah wa mercy. During this time, youth or young doctors who come from families that lack of harmony is not too much attention to what the purpose of raising a family. The announcer then sang a verse of Al-quran.Iapun often hear verses from the letter of Rum (30:21) was: "And from the signs have been
I put myself to you mate-mate for you to be happy with her quiet life and love (mawaddah wa mercy). And it is the signs for men of understanding ". But only this time he noticed, to feel and appreciate the verse. Forming sakinah family, mawaddah wa mercy.
Since then, his opinions about life berkeluargapun changed. He then started paying attention and looking for potential wives. Long story short, he eventually married another of his students who look the other women disciples, wearing a robe, scarf and keep her social. Islamic study during this busy life has opened her heart and obtain guidance from God Almighty.
At the end of the lesson we cleric asked what the difference between mawaddah and mercy. We also are a variety of answers. Then ustadpun explained, mawaddah is the love of a husband, while mercy is the love of a wife.
Now obviously, what the family is sakinah, mawaddah wa mercy. Not only mean quiet and happy family, but there is something behind it, the need for love that is given by the husband to his wife and family, and love given by wives to their husbands and children.
Ustad then added, other family goals is to reduce errors even disobedience. For example, if before the family boys or girls singles can travel freely, then after a family of their activities is limited. There are other priorities that should they pay attention, namely the family.
So, if each family member busy with activities outside the home without regard to his family, then what's the difference married not married? Could the family created sakinah, mawaddah wa mercy if every person rarely meet and communicate?
Because some people have a family destination different from what Allah taught to us in the letter Ar Rum, which is creating a family sakinah mawaddah wa mercy. Although so far we have often read the verse in wedding invitations.

Twilight," A Forbidden Love Story "

Stephenie Meyer's first masterpiece is indeed phenomenal in their home country and other countries. The style is mixed thriller tells the romance genre and the action really fit. The story feels so real, as if you were Bella Swan! As if, vampires really exist in our world. But you do not trigger serem first, his vampire fangs Stephenie Meyer is not really. I salute him could bring teenage love story without even memorable lilting countrified, you will be stunned, envy, lulled, scared, upset, excited? it is definitely ... Can acung his thumb for Stephenie style in his first novel brought so directly nge-boom and became a bestseller. Let's look a little content in this book.

Bella Swan is not super pretty girl, she just ordinary girl who must live with his father in a small town filled with forests and trees. Yes, when Isabella Swan moves to Forks is grim, he never thought his life there will be the reverse that he imagined was that boring.

He met with one family of the brothers at the school was a very strange and did not mingle with other students. They are very fascinating to see, that girl is very beautiful and a very handsome-looking guy.

One of those who make it amazed because his eyes always stab him, that is Edward Cullen. Until finally she knew her and made her world turned upside down by the figure of an Edward.
With porcelain skin, eyes keeemasan, melodious voice and enchanting, Edward was very interesting figure which makes Isabella hooked. So far, Edwards has managed to conceal the true identity, but Bella is determined to uncover the secrets most kelamnya.

It's just that Bella did not realize the danger that awaited him, when the increasingly intimate relationship with Edward. Can Bella and Edward turned and left before it was too late and there was no way back for him?

This is a story of forbidden love. And like other illicit love, this love does not know the way back, in addition to being alive and well at the same die.

forbidden love takes sacrifice that is not suspected.

Crimes "Investigate the NII in Century Fund, Police Evidence constrained"

JAKARTA - Police Headquarters has not follow up on allegations that a number of money movements of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) stored in the Century Bank.

Head of Public Information Police Headquarters, Police Sr. Comr Joey Boy Amar said the lack of legal facts is a constraint to follow up some of the information conveyed former NII officials.

"The flow of funds is still information so there is no sufficient preliminary data for the national police to ensure that there has been some money in the account on behalf of certain persons background NII activities," said Boy at Police Headquarters, Jalan Trunojoyo, South Jakarta, Thursday (12 / 5 / 2011).

He adds to conduct further investigation to the alleged banking thriftbox NII had no legal basis and legal facts. "If there is leading to new there will be no steps in collaboration with INTRAC, the bank concerned and permission from the Governor of Bank Indonesia," he explained.

Even so, he said, investigators would not stay silent respond to that information. The process of investigation remain to be done.

"Investigators can not jump up and down without any solid foundation. Info was not yet a legal fact, to be subject to examination by the legal facts and supporting documents," he said. (ful)

Tugas Softskill II


Causative “have” is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive. (causative “have” diikuti oleh verb 1 (tanpa tambahan s/-es), bukan diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)).
-          I had John repair my bike. (CORRECT)
-          I had John to repair my bike. (INCORRECT,because it is followed by an infinitive)
è Kalimat ke 2 salah karena diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)
► “Have” gives the idea that “X” request “Y” to do something. ( “Have” menunjukkan bahwa “X” meminta “Y” untuk melakukan sesuatu.)
è The formula is: “X” has/have/had “Y” do something (simple form) (rumusnya adalah “X” has/have/had “Y” melakukakn sesuatu (verb dalam bentuk sederhana(verb1 tanpa tambahan s/-es)).
Examples:        - Mary has John carry her bag.
Means(artinya): John carried the bag because Mary ask him to. ( John membawa tas karena Mary menyuruhnya).
                        -I have Jane put my books
Means: Jane put my books because I ask her to.
-          Tom had Jane clean the room yesterday
è Using “had” because the adverb of time is yesterday. But still the verb is in simple form.

(HAVE +Past Participle (Verb3)

The past participle(verb 3) is used after “have’ to give a passive meaning.
Examples:        - I had my watch repaired (by someone) yesterday.
Means: I caused my watch to be repaired by someone. (saya menyuruh orang lain untuk memperbaiki jam tangan saya kemarin).
            -I have my hair cut à means: I asked someone to cut my hair. (saya menyuruh seseorang untuk mencukur rambut saya)
            - I am having my car washed at the moment à means: I am asking someone to wash my car at the moment. (pada saat ini saya SEDANG menyuruh seseorang mencuci mobil saya.)
You have to know the different between Have something done and present Perfect/ past perfect form.
HAVE SOMETHING DONE:  I have my hair cut à means: I ask someone to cut my hair.
PRESENT PERFECT(S+HAVE/HAS+V3): I have cut my hair àmeans: you cut your own hair.

·         S + HAVE/HAS + OBJECT + VERB 3
·         S + HAD + OBJECT +VERB3 +PAST TIME
-          Use active sentence for causative “have” (using simple form of a verb) and passive sentence for have something done (using verb 3).
-          For causative “have” à after subject you have to use the right form of “have” whether it is “have or has or had” then the object is people (someone), after that,you have to use a simple form of a verb (verb 1 without s/-es) in any kind of adverb of time (present time or past time still use simple form of a verb), you just choose the right form of “have” à “have or has” for present time, “had “ for past time.
-          For have something done just follow the pattern.

Fill in the blanks with the right form of causative have, and choose the right form of verb given in the brakets. (isilah dengan bentuk causative have yang benar, dan pilih salah satu bentuk verb yang benar yang diberikan di dalam kurung)

1.      We had  our treasury Bought  our new books yesterday. (buy / buys / bought / to buy)
2.      She has  her mom cooked dinner for her. (cook / cooks / cooked / to cook )
3.      He had his brother done  his homework last night (do / does / did / done)
4.      Tom is having Bill written  the report at the moment. (write / writes / writing / written)
5.      Mike has  Jenni saved  his data. (save / saving / saves / saved)
6.      Bob has his packages delivered by the postman. ( deliver / delivers / delivered / delivery)
7.      Eddy had_his data changed by his secretary last week. (change / changes / changed / changing)
8.      Marie is having her house painted by the workmen at the moment. ( paint / painting / painted / paints)
9.      Jonny has his car parked by the parking man. (park / parks / parking / parked)
10.  They are having their maid cleaned their room right now. (clean / cleaned / cleans / cleaning)

Selasa, 12 April 2011

Tugas Softskill B.inggris

Tugas Softskill - Bahasa Inggris

  1. Bob said to me,"Mary is crying on my shoulder at the moment."
  2. Tom said to me,"I don't want to eat this food."
  3. Mary said to me,"I called my friend yesterday."
  4. Bill said to me,"The children are planning to go to that new museum now."
  5. Tom said to me,"I haven't called Mary since yesterday."
  6. Joe said to me that he had been sitting there next to my house since two hours before.
  7. John said to Mary that he had written all of their stories in his new book.
  8. Jane said to me that she created her new painting in my room.
  9. Tom said to me that he spent his time in this room.
  10. Bob said to me that Anne didn't put the dictionary on that table.

  1. Bob said to me that Mary was crying on his shoulder at the moment.
  2. Tom said to me that he didn't want to eat that food.
  3. Mary said to me that she had called her friend the day before.
  4. Bill said to me that the children were planning to go to this new museum then.
  5. Tom said to me that he hadn't called Mary since the previous day.
  6. Joe said to me,"I have been sitting here next to your house since two hours before."
  7. John said to Mary,"I written all of their stories in my new book."
  8. Jane said to me,"I create my new painting in your room."
  9. Tom said to me," I spend my time in that room."
  10. Bob said to me,"Anne don't put the dictionary on this table."

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Tugas Adverbial Clause

Adverbial clause
Adverbial Clause is a Clause (clause) which functions as an adverb, which describes a verb.
Adverbial Clause usually classified based on "the meaning / intent" of the conjunction (conjunctive that preceded it).
The types of adverbial Clause include:

1. Clause of Time
Clause which shows the time. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) as after, before, no sooner, while, axles, etc..

* Shut the door before you go out.
* You begin May Pls (ever) you are ready.
* While he was walking home, he saw an accident.
* By the time I arrive, she will from have left.
* No sooner she ENTERED Than Had he Gave an order.

2. Clause of Place
That show where clause. Usually made by using such conjunction Nowhere, nowhere, anywhere, Wherever, etc..

* They sat down Wherever They Could find empty seats
* The guard Stood Nowhere he was positioned.
* Where there is a will, there is a way.
* Where there is poverty, there We find discontent and unrest.
* Go Nowhere you like.

3. Clause of Contrast (or Concession)
Clause which shows the contradiction between the two incidents or events that are related. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) as although, though, even though, whereas, even if, in spite of, as the time, etc..

* As the time you were the resource persons sleeping, We Were working hard.
* Mary wanted to stop, whereas I wanted to go on.
* Although it is late, We'll stay a little longer.
* He is very friendly, even if he is a clever student.
4. Clause of Manner
Clause which shows the cars how a job is done or event occurs. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) such as, how, like, in that, etc..

* He did as I toll uterus.
* You May finish it how you like.
* May They beat us again, like They did in 1978.

5. Clause of Purpose and Result
Clause which shows the relationship intent / objectives and outcomes. Usually made by using conjunctions such as (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, etc..

* They Went to the movie early (in order) to find the best seats.
* She Bought a book so (that) Could she learn Bahasa
* He is saving his money so he he That May take a long vacation.
* I am working night and day in the Hope that I cans finish this book soon.

6. Clause of Cause and Effect
Clause which shows the relationship of cause and effect. There are several patterns to form this kind Clause. Take a good look.

* Ryan ran so fast That he broke the previous speed record.
* It was so cold yesterday That I Did not Want To swim.
* The Soup That Tastes so good will of everyone ask for more.
* The Student Had he behaved so badly That was dismissed from the class.

* The Smiths That Had so many children They formed Their own baseball team.
* I had job offers so Few That it wasn't Difficult to select one.

* He has invested so much money in the project That he can not abandon it now.
* The grass received so little water That it turned brown in the heat.

* It was a hot day Such That We decided to stay Indoors. OR It was so hot a day That We decided to stay Indoors.
* It was Such an interesting book That he couldn't put it down. OR It was so interesting a book That he couldn't put it down.

* She has Such exceptional Abilities That everyone is jealous of her.
* They are Such beautiful pictures Want That everybody will of one.
* Perry has Had Such bad luck That he's decided not to Gamble.
* This Is Such That Difficult homework I will of never finish it.
In addition, to reveal the relationship of cause and effect (cause and effect) can be used in other patterns, namely:
1. Using the Preposition (preposition) like Because of, due to, due to the fact that, etc.

* Because of the cold weather, We stayed home. (= We stayed home Because of the cold weather)
* Due to the cold weather, We stayed home. (= We stayed home due to the cold weather)
* Due to the fact That the weather was cold, We stayed home. (= We stayed home due to the fact That the weather was cold)
2. Using conjunctions (conjunction) as Because, since, now, that, as, as long as, inasmuch as

* Because he was sleepy, he Went to bed.
* Since he's not Interested in classical music, he decided not to go to the concert.
* As she Had nothing in particular to do, she Called up a friend and asked her if she wanted to take in a movie.
* Inasmuch as the two government leaders Could not reach an agreement, the possibilities for peace are still remote.
3. Using transition words like therefore, consequently.

* She failed the test Because he Did not study.
* Alex Did not study. Therefore, he failed the test.
* Alex Did not study. Consequently, he failed the test.
Some can be changed into an adverb Clause Modifying Phrases by:
1) Eliminate the subject of the dependent Clause and the verb (be).
a. Adverb clause: While I was walking to class, I ran into an old friend.
b. Modifying phrase: While walking to class, I ran into an old friend.
2) If the Clause does not exist be an adverb, hilangkanlah change the subject and verb in the adverb Clause-ing it into shape.
a. Adverb clause: Before I left for work, I ate breakfast.
b. Modifying phrase: Before Leaving for work, I ate breakfast.
Clause adverb can be converted into Modifying Phrase Clause if the subject of the adverb and the subject of playing the same Clause.
1. Can be changed

* While I was sitting in class, I fell asleep BECOME While sitting in class, I fell asleep.
* While Ann was sitting in class, she fell asleep BECOME While sitting in class, Ann Fell asleep.
* Since Mary Came to this country, she has made many friends BECOME Since coming to this country, Mary has made many friends.
2. Can not be changed

* While the teacher was lecturing to the class, I fell asleep.
* While We Were walking home, a frog hopped across the road in front of us.
7. Clause of Condition
Clause which shows the requirements between the two events (events) are related. Usually made by using conjunctions like if, even if, unless, in the event that, or in the event that, in case, provided (that), Providing (that), on condition that, if only, suppose (that), supposing ( that), etc..

* If I see uterus, I will from uterus invite to the party tomorrow.
* She Would forgive her husband everything, if only he Would come back to her.
* Suppose (that) your house burns down, do you have insurance to cover Enough Such a loss.
* In case a Robbery occurs in the hotel, the management must be Notified at once.
* The company will from agree to arbitration on condition (that) the strike is Called off at once.
* We Should Be Able to do the job for you Quickly, provided (that) you give us all the Necessary information.
By anitapurwanti